Jeff on the Issues



Jeff coauthored One Fairfax, a critical countywide policy that promotes equity in all decisions. After becoming Chairman, he worked to incorporate an “Equity Impact Statement” on items that come before the Board, ensuring equity would always be considered and reviewed. All residents deserve an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, income, ability, where they live, or any other qualifier. He understands it is in the economic interest of everyone in the County to live in a diverse community where are opportunities are in reach for all.

To continue this, he will:

  • Celebrate our diversity and ensure a seat at the table for all

  • Foster inclusion through social and racial equity across the county

  • Protect the personal identifiable information of residents through policies that limit unnecessary information sharing

  • Promote fairness and equal access for all



Jeff knows a healthy business economy is vital in Fairfax County. He is proud to ensure we continue to be the economic engine of the Commonwealth of Virginia and understands that means setting the right tone. When COVID-19 first hit Fairfax County, he stood up grant opportunities for small, women, and minority-owned businesses to keep their doors open and their employees paid. He has also attracted dozens of new businesses to the county and worked to diversify our economy.

  To continue this, he will:

  • Oversee grant programs, grow partnerships, and work to help the economy recover and businesses thrive

  • Invest in infrastructure and revitalization

  • Streamline the process for small businesses to open and make it easier to fill retail and office vacancies

  • Provide a vocational training pipeline for trades workers and students alike

  • Protect the County’s AAA bond rating



Jeff knows the importance of creating reliable transportation alternatives for residents. He has led both locally and regionally to build and maintain mass transit, road, bicycle, and pedestrian options to keep people moving. Jeff also knows these options must be affordable and accessible, which is why he led the initiative to create the Student Connector bus pass program, making transit accessible to more people. He understands the critical impact transportation has on the environment and knows we can always do better promoting multimodal transportation opportunities to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

 To continue this, he will:

  • Work with VDOT to improve road repaving, general maintenance, grass mowing, and stormwater facilities

  • Create new transit options for commuters

  • Hold Metro accountable to improve customer service, reliability, and timelines

  • Improve regional connectivity

  • Fund sidewalk construction, bicycle lanes, and other pedestrian safety measures



Ensuring Fairfax County students receive a world-class education has always been Jeff’s top priority. As Budget Chairman, Jeff consistently fully funded our schools, built a strong, collaborative relationship with the School Board, and adhered to our progressive values. He also partnered with the School Board to get our children vaccinated against COVID-19, fund health and safety initiatives, and keep our schools open. He understands high-quality public education is essential to our quality of life, economy, and reputation.

 To continue this, he will:

  • Increase teacher and support staff pay

  • Expand preschool programs and classrooms to improve access to high-quality early childhood education

  • Grow school programs in all areas of the county

  • Promote programs for children of all abilities

  • Continue building strong bonds with the School Board and increase cooperation and transparency



Jeff believes access to safe and affordable housing is essential. He has personally created thousands of affordable units for families and single adults and formed citizen groups to preserve and enhance access. Preserving existing units and creating more affordable housing is critical for all people to succeed in our economy.

 To continue this, he will:

  • Lead to create at least 10,000 new affordable units throughout the county by 2034

  • Renovate and preserve existing affordable housing options

  • Fight discriminatory housing practices and predatory lending

  • Insist on smart land use planning on both public and private land to ensure affordable opportunities exist everywhere, linking transportation and job opportunities

  • Partner with the business and nonprofit community on incentives that streamline and prioritize housing projects

  • Create communities that provide affordable senior housing



Jeff thinks Fairfax County’s natural resources are some of its best assets. This is why, as Chairman, he set the county’s goal to be emissions free by 2030. He is committed to protecting the environment and addressing the effects of climate change by passing new ordinances with those goals in mind. Jeff has aggressively focused the county on policies and programs that recognize the urgency necessary to save our climate.

 To continue this, he will:

  • Commit to a goal of carbon-neutrality by 2050

  • Commit the County to zero-waste by 2030

  • Expand alternatives for clean energy and improve the health of streams and waterways

  • Protect and preserve the County’s tree canopy

  • Elevate the County’s position as an industry leader in electrification by converting our fleet vehicles entirely to electric by 2035



Jeff recognizes the need for active recreation for all of our residents, having grown up in the county and been a youth sports coach for his own kids. He has created premier recreational opportunities for kids of all abilities in state-of-the-art facilities and grown open spaces and park land countywide.

 To continue this, he will:

  • Balance the need for recreation, land preservation, and protection of cultural resources

  • Expand trails, playgrounds, and bicycle networks

  • Work with youth and adult sports groups to enhance and construct recreational facilities

  • Fight for equitable sports facilities county-wide

  • Create more accessible parks for people of all abilities

  • Continue to partner with our Park Authority to expand and improve facilities throughout the county



Fairfax County is the safest jurisdiction of its size in the country because of its world-class first responders. All residents should feel safe wherever they are in the community. To truly achieve One Fairfax, Jeff will ensure that public safety agencies are engaged and community oriented.

 To continue this, he will:

  • Put more mental health professionals in place to help police respond to mental health crisis calls

  • Fight for common sense gun control measures and close dangerous loopholes

  • Increase staffing for patrol officers, and continue to fund police body-worn cameras

  • Expand support for our world class firefighter and emergency medical responders

  • Foster inclusion and trust between public safety officials and residents

  • Hire a diverse public safety workforce and continue to build bonds and strengthen communication with everyone in our community

  • Reduce recidivism by partnering with nonprofits and human services agencies

  • Enhance our strong community support for the police through the Police Civilian Oversight Committee



Jeff believes strongly that investing in people is not only right morally, but also makes smart fiscal sense. The county must continue to play a major role in protecting the most vulnerable in our community. It also must work alongside nonprofit partners and healthcare leaders to equitably respond and proactively fight COVID-19.

 To continue this, he will:

  • Increase funding to combat food insecurity and provide housing, rental, and utility assistance

  • Work to keep COVID-19 tests and vaccines free and accessible for everyone

  • Support the expansion of Diversion First, an initiative that prioritizes treatment rather than incarceration for people experiencing a mental health crisis

  • Expand substance abuse and mental health recovery programs in the community

  • Grow partnerships with community-based nonprofits to improve delivery of vital services

  • Go after drug companies that have largely caused the opioid epidemic